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Brian Steele Lawyer

Young Thug's Attorney Arrested for Contempt

Heated Exchange Leads to Arrest

Attorney Refuses to Divulge Information

Atlanta, GA - In a breaking development, Young Thug's attorney, Brian Steele, has been arrested for contempt of court following a heated exchange in the courtroom.

According to reports, Judge Ural Glanville ordered Steele to disclose how he obtained certain information related to the case. However, Steele refused, citing attorney-client privilege.

The refusal to comply with the judge's order resulted in a heated exchange, after which Steele was escorted out of the courtroom and arrested.

The incident highlights the ongoing legal battle surrounding Young Thug, who is currently facing RICO charges alongside several other alleged members of his YSL crew.

Steele's arrest is expected to further complicate the proceedings and could potentially impact the outcome of the case.

Stay tuned for further updates as more information becomes available.
